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"Fathers are Leaders"

The program that decodes your children's operating system. 

A practical program for fathers who have children up to the age of 10 and want to strengthen their relationship with them.

Less drama and more cooperation in 8 weeks.

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How many times have you decided not to shout at your kids or lose your temper, and yet you find yourself repeating the exact same behavior day after day? 


I was in that situation too, but not anymore. The thing is, deciding to behave differently is only the first step. To change behavioral patterns you need strategies, effective tools and support especially in those first few weeks. Then, the new habits become established and part of you. Soon enough, your children will become more independent, confident and responsible.

Are you familiar with these scenarios?

  • You are at your friends’ house for lunch. Your four-year-old daughter wants a specific toy. When she doesn’t get it, she begins to scream. Your friends stare at you, and you have no idea what to do with yourself.

  • You are in a rush to get to work, but your three-year-old boy insists on wearing a pair of pants that are in the laundry. You explain that the pants are dirty, and he can wear them tomorrow, but he screams that those are the only ones he wants. You realize that you will be late for work yet again.

  • Your seven-year-old daughter is drawing a picture, and after a few minutes, she begins to cry, saying her picture does not look good. You try to say that it’s a lovely picture, but your reaction only exacerbates her frustration.

  • Your son comes home from school and tells you he was alone at recess and has no friends. He is angry and says he doesn’t want to go to school anymore. You get a sinking feeling in your stomach.

  • You take your six-year-old son to buy a toy. The store just sold out the toy your son wants and he bursts into tears. You tell him that you will go to another store, order it online, or make one yourself. Nothing helps; your son just screams louder.

These situations make us parents feel helpless, which makes us angry very quickly. It’s hard for us to hear crying and screaming; it’s hard for us to see our beloved son or daughter suffering. Often, we don’t understand what all the drama is about; it is only a balloon that burst or something else that seems unimportant (to us).

Due to our helplessness and frustration, we try to control our child’s behavior aggressively, employing threats, punishments, or time-outs.

These strategies are ineffective. When put in time-out to “relax in your room,” some children reach a state of self-destruction: banging their head against the wall, for instance, or destroying their environment by throwing around furniture and toys.

Furthermore, these strategies don’t solve the problem in the long run. Parents who have tried aggressive methods have found that not only did the children continue to respond hysterically, the situation only worsened, and the problems reoccurred more frequently.

The truth is that you can't deescalate emotions with force. No one calms down when someone shouts “relax!” at them.

The course will teach you how to deal with tantrums and other challenging behaviors. Moreover, the course will teach you how to decrease these behaviors' frequency.

What will happen to you during the process?

  • You’ll discover that you can cope with challenging behaviors that used to lead to anger, threats and punishments.

  • Your relationship with your children will strengthen and they will respect you and appreciate your opinion.

  • Your children will listen more and you won’t have to repeat everything 20 times.

  • You’ll learn how to communicate with minimal conflicts.

  • Your self-confidence will grow. 

  • You’ll get your sanity back.

  • You’ll feel proud knowing you are raising your kids the way you’ve always wanted to.

Why taking a parenting course is of utmost importance now?

  • Because the last two years have shown us that family is the most important thing.

  • Because you spend so many hours at home with your kids.

  • The longer problematic patterns persist, the more they become ingrained making them more difficult to break.

  • As long as these patterns continue, the relationship suffers.

  • When the relationship suffers, your kids will hide things from you.

  • When your kids hide things from you, you won’t know what’s really going on in their lives.

  • Can you imagine their teenage years under this strain? Good luck to us all.

Look at the Exciting Changes These Fathers Experienced After Just A Few Weeks

The program is for fathers whose children:

  • Get easily angry and frustrated.

  • Respond aggressively (hitting/biting/kicking) whenever they are upset or dissatisfied.

  • Avoid competition because they are afraid to lose.

  • Have fears and anxieties regarding death, illness, the dark and others.

  • Struggle with social situations including navigating friendships. 

  • Have problems with transitions: don’t want to go to sleep, don’t want to take a shower, don’t want to go to friends, don’t want to leave their friends’ house.

  • Are picky eaters or eat only specific foods and won’t try new dishes.

  • Cannot regulate their emotions.

  • Don’t listen when they are asked to cooperate. 

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“Ifat’s course changed my life. And not just mine but my family’s as well: The time with the kids became pleasant and fun – I really enjoy spending time with them, who would have imagined…

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for opening a new world for me, changing my core beliefs, and enlightening me with amazing insights about the meaning of parenting.

Above all – thank you for sending me equipped with tools and methods to a wonderful and magical journey towards the father I’ve always wanted to be.”

Roy Hefer, father of 3

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“Me and my husband found your course innovative, enriching and giving more points of view on difficulties we face with our parenting.

We acquired knowledge and tools that help us and will continue to help us develop new skills and create good communication and a pleasant atmosphere at our home.

I recommend this course for every parent."

Ziva and Eyal Regev, parents of 3

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